Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Wordless Wednesday!


Di said...

HEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stop doing that!!!!!!!

(BTW, you should really come over more often)

Nicole said...

Your mom is mean!

Di said...

HEY!!! She wasn't being a good girl when we were trying to take our picture.

Jaded said...

i'm always a good girl!

Nicole said...

I understand the always being a good girl thing so I'm gonna have to go with:

Your mom is mean! But Diane is a good friend and is never mean to me ;o) So, I must be special or something. Or just lucky I don't live nearby...

Does that work for the 2 of you? :P

Always Been Different said...



Happy WW!

Di said...

LOL, Nicole!! Yes it works for me.