Thriteen ways to know if you have Twilight-itis
1. You compare every man you ever meet to Edward Cullen
2. You stare at every black Volvo with limo tint windows just hoping its him
3. If anyone talks to you on Aug. 2nd you might kill them
4. You've actually considered moving to Forks
5. You say Edward, Bella, Jacob, etc. in everyday conversations like you see them all the time
6. Everytime you see a yellow Porsche you giggle
7. When ever you see men playing basesball you say to yourself: "vampires play baseball?"
8. On your list of traits a man must have you now added that he must sparkle
9. You changed your marriage requirements from till death do you part to forever
10. You have a countdown clock on your myspace/facebook/blog counting down to friday nite
11. You have changed the way you look at big hairy guys
12. You think looking plain isn't so bad
13. You answered yes to all of the above