Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

i miss her even after 2 years


Anonymous said...

awww puppies are sooo cute! i miss my rottweiler-pitts, they sound like they'd be vicious, but they wouldnt hurt a fly.

(unless it was perched atop a pile of kibbles n' bits)


Di said...

I've been worried about you. I haven't talked to you in a week.

ndnchick said...

Aww...cute. I miss my old german sheperd. It's been 5 years.

Jaden Paige said...

Awww, what a cutie! I love your blog, by the way. And I love what you do for a living, what a creative, fun job! I'm a little bit jealous :P I'll be bookmarking this blog, I think... Thanks for visiting! Happy WW!

Barbara Doduk said...

Awww I miss my 2 kitties... only one left. He is my WW Love today too.

Happy WW

B @ The Love Blog

gigi said...

very precious photos!

Nicole said...

Awwww :o( I miss old pets too.